
Friday Oct 03, 2014

Friday Sep 26, 2014
8. What is the "male ego"
Friday Sep 26, 2014
Friday Sep 26, 2014
What is the male ego
In this podcast we tackle the often misunderstood "Male Ego" and how it effect relationships. Hoping clear many harmful misconceptions surrounded this subject to further bridge the gap between women and men.
-What is ego in general (1:33)
-What is "Male Ego"?, Where did the term come from(2:18)
-Do women also have Ego's?(4:55)
-Is having an Ego good or bad(8:08)
-The relationship between Ego, Confidence, and Pride. Also where humility comes to play.(14:51)
- The Actual, Factual, Practical, and Applicable tips and advice.(18:52)
Thanks for listening we love you guys, We want your feed back so, any questions you want us to answer or, any comments feel free to email us at askamanpodcast@gmail.com

Friday Sep 19, 2014
7. Why Men Will Never Get Away With Cheating
Friday Sep 19, 2014
Friday Sep 19, 2014
Why Men Will Never Get Away With Cheating
In this episode, we break down and explain:
- Why do men cheat in the first place? Is it just sex? (2:10)
- We tackle the question "Once a cheater Always a cheater"? Is this always true? Will he change for the better? (6:56)
- Is it possible to stop someone from cheating on you? Can you control someone else's actions? (8:12)
- Finally, what we all want to know: Why men will never be able to get away with cheating? We explain the evolutionary advantage women have over men. (9:00)
- Of course, The Actual, Factual, Practical, and Applicable tips and advice (15:15)

Friday Sep 12, 2014
We said it: You shouldn't sleep with him if.........
Friday Sep 12, 2014
Friday Sep 12, 2014
This is our first episode of our funny, mini podcast where we point out the things no other self help show will. Today we talk about the guys that you ladies should not be sleeping with.

Friday Sep 05, 2014

Monday Sep 01, 2014
5. Why are Men "Afraid" of Commitment?
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Tackling probably one of the most sought after answers among women, why are men "afraid" to commit? Are we afraid to commit or is there actually something deeper that women, and even men, tend not to see? Let's find out...
-What is commitment? What is meant when it's said, "we do not commit"? And who actually has problems with commitment? (2:10)
-How do we as men view commitment? What does it mean that we are the decision makers? (4:19)
-The different social stigmas and how they tend to effect us as men and our decisions to commit. (6:48)
-The Disney princess theory. What is it? How is it used to break down our social roles and how we ask men to think, on a subconscious level about committing to the RIGHT woman? (11:23)
-A lot of men constantly feel a rush on commitment when it comes to being in a relationship. Find out what it is and how is effects a relationship? (15:28)
-The 5 signs that a man is not ready to commit to you, from men! (18:10)
-Solid tips and advice on how to get commitment. If commitment isn't a goal, then what is it? (25:19)

Monday Sep 01, 2014
4. The Indisputable Foundation part 3: Willingness to Grow
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Without the willingness to grow and improve, it will be very hard to have success anywhere in your life, especially in your relationships. Find out why improvement is the last leg to building your solid relationship foundation for years to come!
- What exactly do we mean by willingness to grow, develop, and self-improve? (1:49)
- If you are not wiling to improve, then have you been just wasting your time? (2:44)
- Learning how to not just accept our flaws, but also to work and improve them for ourselves and for our partners. (3:22)
- What can I actually do to constantly improve my relationships? Is it the one thing we've always been told to do? (6:52)
- Why communication is not a foundation and what it means to the 3 indisputable foundations? (12:21)
- Eliminating the very common misconception about not just the foundations, but life in general. It is simple, not easy. (15:58)

Monday Sep 01, 2014
3. The Indisputable Foundation part 2 :The 3 Connections
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Monday Sep 01, 2014
This is it! The heart and soul of what we all look for in a relationship! What we crave, not just as men or as women, but as human beings. Find out what they are!
- We must understand that we as humans are social by nature. How this effects our relationships? (1:56)
- Lets get down to it! What are the 3 connections to a long-term, successful, happy relationship? (4:51)
- What it truly means to have a physical connection with a person and why it always comes first? (5:44)
- Establishing a solid mental connection. Why it is so important and why it is the most overlooked of the 3 connections? (10:25)
- How important is having an emotional connection and what happens if one isn't there? (16:13)
- The connections do not have to be exactly the same. They can be congruent, but never clashing. (21:42)
- Three points to give you clarity on how the 3 connections work in everyday life. (23:06)
- Three questions that you can ask yourself and your counterpart in order to identify your connections with that person. (25:51)
- Go in depth and make sure you constantly keep track of your ever-changing connections. (29:59)

Monday Sep 01, 2014
2. The Indisputable Foundation part 1: Self-Value
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Monday Sep 01, 2014
We have all heard it countless times before, that in order to have a strong relationship, it all begins with us. Find out how much we value ourselves and how to improve our own self-value.
-Why is the foundation so important in having a long term, successful, happy relationship? (1:27)
-What is value? What does self-value mean? (2:56)
-Where do we get our own internal value from? (3:31)
-The value scale. What is it? How can we use it to identify our own value? (5:36)
-What are a 6,7,8,9, and 10 on the value scale? What are their defining characteristics? How do they make you feel? What are their "Slogans"?
-Learn about why each value is NOT permanent and how they are always ever changing.
-Improvement tips and advice for a 6,7,8, and 9 that you can go out and apply right now!

Monday Sep 01, 2014
1. Welcome to Ask a Man
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Get to know us and learn more about who we are and find out the heart of the ask a man experience.
- Learn about our purpose. How did we come up with the idea (1:20)
- Our personal stories. Get to know Devin and I a bit better and see the perspective we offer (4:33)
- The Ask A Man Mission. What our goals are we . What we are going to accomplish (9:22)
- What we are NOT. tossing out the misconceptions on what we are here to do (11:22)
- A sample of things to come. Hear about some of the few topics we are going to cover in future podcast (13:02)